Client: Heineken Global

Revolutionizing the norms of drinking behavior

On a mission with Heineken to increase sales of non-alcoholic beverages and reduce drink driving globally

The global beer industry has always been a significant player in the alcoholic beverage market, and its impact on alcohol consumption and responsible behavior cannot be overlooked. As one of the most widely consumed alcoholic beverages worldwide, beer holds a prominent position in many cultures, social gatherings, and economic landscapes. However, this industry’s influence extends beyond mere enjoyment and economic prosperity with implications for individuals, societies, and public health when misused. According to recent statistics*, the global beer market is projected to grow from $768,17 billion in 2021 to $989,48 billion in 2028, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate of 3,68% in the period. Such figures indicate the industry’s substantial presence and the demand for beer among consumers.

Driving positive change

Recognizing the potential consequences of excessive alcohol consumption, various stakeholders within the global beer industry have taken steps to encourage responsible drinking practices. This includes initiatives by breweries, industry associations, and governments to educate consumers about the risks associated with alcohol misuse and to promote responsible behavior. However, Heineken did not settle with educating the consumers. They want to achieve real effective changes. Together with Krukow they embarked on a mission to drive positive behavior change and promote a measurable reduction in drink driving worldwide. Heineken aimed to develop a comprehensive behavioral change program applying behavioral science. By focusing on the direct and indirect impacts, Heineken aimed to create a global movement against drink driving while increasing the sales of their alcohol-free beer, Heineken 0.0.

Challenging the status quo

With 68% of the world’s population admitting to driving after drinking, the risks associated with drink driving were alarming. Research indicated that even consuming just one beer increased the likelihood of accidents by 40%. Krukow looked at drink driving habits and identifying areas where change was possible to develop behavior change solutions to facilitate measurable global impact. Additionally, Heineken aimed to boost the sales of their new alcohol-free offering, Heineken 0.0, to make responsible drinking an easy choice for consumers.
The project was based on three key intervention points
When preparing for a night out
Encourage bar guests to pre-book a designated ride home
When purchasing the first drink
Encourage bar guests to go for non-alcohol options
When leaving the bar
Empowering bar guests to choose designated means of transportation if they have been drinking alcoholic drinks

The path to responsible drinking

Recognizing that drink driving rarely occurred as a conscious decision, Heineken and Krukow identified where behavior change was feasible within the bar and drinking environments, which presented significant opportunities for improvement in responsible drinking behaviors. Strategies were developed to discourage patrons from driving after consuming alcohol, encourage the selection of non-alcoholic beverages, and provide alternative transportation options.

Empowering change

The implementation of the designed interventions yielded promising results, indicating an actual change in drink driving behavior. Based on the interventions made by Heineken, four key learnings became evident:
Public commitment influenced behavior change
60% of bar guests reported that the pilot program made them contemplate changing their behavior regarding drink driving
The prominence of alcohol-free options influenced beverage choices in a positive way
14% of bar guests found it easier to choose alcohol-free beer making the increased prominence of alcohol-free options, including Heineken 0.0, have a positive effect on drink driving behavior

Forging a safer future

By implementing behavior-led strategies and Krukow’s behavioral design principles, Heineken successfully spearheaded a global behavior change program targeting drink driving. The direct and indirect impacts of the project were significant, with reductions in drink driving behavior, increased peer support for responsible choices, and heightened public awareness about responsible alcohol consumption. Moreover, the promotion of Heineken 0.0 and other alcohol-free options contributed to positive shifts in consumer behavior. Heineken’s commitment to positive behavior change and their Formula 1 sponsorship platform empowered bar owners worldwide to join the battle against drink driving, fostering a safer and more responsible drinking culture globally.

The global beer industry’s influence on alcohol consumption is undeniable, with significant economic and social implications. While the industry generates substantial revenue and offers a wide range of products, it is crucial to address the potential consequences of excessive drinking. Heineken’s steps in encouraging responsible behavior, promoting moderation, and fostering awareness about the risks associated with alcohol misuse are vital in the mission to ensure the well-being and health of individuals and societies worldwide. Their story shows that by working together, industry stakeholders, governments, and communities can play a pivotal role in shaping a responsible and balanced drinking culture.

*Source: Fortune Business Insights